On that ground we will send you price list of programs, an offer of complementary services (installation, training ..), delivery and payment terms.
Once you confirm your interest in the program by e-mail, a binding order comes into existence. With this e-mail buyer confirms that he is familiar with and agrees with the trade and payment terms. The order is a draft contract. The purchase contract comes into existence by sending an order confirmation to the e-mail of a customer.
By sending an order the buyer gives consent to collecting and archiving of buyer´s personal data and purchases.
III. Installing the software
A link to a software download is sent through e-mail.
Software is equipped with a self-installation guide.
The software is installed either by the buyer himself or by the seller, when ordered in additional services.
The software is equipped with a software or hardware key. After installing the software activation code is required to make the software accessible.
The key is bound to the computer hardware and the software can therefore be operated only on the installed computer.
The activation code is sent to the customer by e-mail after paying the invoice, which is sent to the customer alongside with the order confirmation.
The right to use the software – a licence - acquires the buyer after paying the purchase price.
IV. Payment terms
The purchase price of the software is due on the invoice before delivery of the software.
All prices are exclusive of VAT, we are not VAT payers.
Payment can be made:
Payment options
Transfer to a bankaccountEurope Asia
PaymentviaPayPal account
The customer chooses the payment method when ordering.
V. Withdrawal from the contract
Software can not be returned. To the software offered on our website are not applied the provisions of paragraph 6 of the amendment of the Civil Code no. 367/2000 Coll. of the Czech Republic about the possibility of withdrawing from the contract within 14 days from the receipt of the software. The issue is that our software is not goods with physical distribution, but it is an intellectual property within the meaning of granting a license under the Copyright Act No. 121/2000 Coll. of the Czech Republic.
VI. Rights and obligations of the seller
The seller is obliged to execute the order and to send the ordered software by e-mail to the buyer.
All personal data provided when ordering are confidential.
The seller is obliged to send on request a physical bookkeeping document to the buyer.
The seller reserves the right to change prices.
VII. Rights and obligations of the buyer
The buyer must indicate correct and truthful information on the order.
The buyer is obliged to accept the ordered software and to pay the price shown on the invoice. The buyer is aware of the total price of the order before its confirmation.
The buyer has the right of deleting his personal data from the database, if requested. The seller hereby agrees to delete all data about the buyer from the database. This provision does not apply to data that are necessary for accounting documents.
VIII. The terms of complaint
All the normal rules of complaints and the return of goods do not apply to the software.
It is not possible to complaint about the software, see the section V.1. Withdrawal from the contract.
The inconvenience of the purchased software for your purposes can not be complained as well.
To prevent problems with installation or software functions, it is strongly advised to check whether you meet the system requirements of the software.
IX. Privacy Policy
All the treatment with personal data on www.oaksoft.cz follows the Act No. 101/2000 Coll. of the Czech Republic about the protection of personal data.
We are aware of the importance of such data protection. We consider the regulatory compliance, when processing personal data, as an important duty to our customers.
All the data in the order form will be used solely for the purpose of this business case and will not be disclosed to third parties. All information will be used exclusively for our use.
X. Final provisions
Unless stated otherwise, the rights and obligations of the conclusion of the purchase contract for individuals follow the Civil Code of the Czech Republic. Unless stated otherwise, the rights and obligations of the conclusion of the purchase contract for corporate bodies follow the Commercial Code of the Czech Republic.
This purchase order - trade and payment terms - is in effect since 18. 2. 2020